Twas the Night Before A Christmas Carol

Dickens has promised his children that he would write his first ever Christmas story and the family would act it out in their carriage house on Christmas Day (which was in fact their custom). It is now Christmas Eve (Twas the Night Before A Christmas Carol) and Dickens has writer's block! His crusty very British butler and their new Irish nanny steal bits of each other's past to comically feed Dickens to make up his famous story. In Act II, the family, staff and carolers perform a one-act adaptation of A Christmas Carol. Comedy, wit and traditional Christmas carols, unit sets for each act have made this a joy to produce and and a family favorite.
Perusals are sent via email at no charge
Production rights: Middle & High Schools $50/performance; all others $75/performance
Comedy in two acts
4 men, 3 women, 3 boys, 3 girls + carolers/dancers with roles
As many traditional carols as desired.
Optional dream scene dance.
Unit set for each act
To order a perusal, from your mobile device click on the email address below, state which play you would like & give your name, location, contact info, theater/school/production company. From a desk top send to :

Awards: Winner of Sautee Nacoochee Center, GA, play writing contest (one-act version)
Productions: Holly Theater, Dahlonega, GA 1996, 1997, 1998, 2003, 2016