Snow White and the Seven Short Gold Miners
This one act parody on the famous Brothers Grimm / Disney story of Snow White combines some pop culture, corny humor and fun into the tale. The miners have been renamed: Ali Bubba, Serious, Crazy, AP (Alergy Prone), Forest (Gump) etc. while the main story remains in tact (mostly). Opportunities to add roles. Genders can vary. Very fun children's show.
Show was written for a location in a gold mining area, but it can be changed to suit your area.
To order a perusal from a mobile device, click on the email address below, state which play you would like & give your name, location, contact info, theater/school/production company. From a desk top send to:
Perusals are sent at no charge via email and can be copied for the production. Video permission is included. Rights are $25 per performance.
M5 / F3 and minimum of 5 can be either gender
Miners in training or others can be added
Simple sets: miner's cabin interior, interior of castle. Run time ~ 40 minutes