Drama in two acts
8M / 4W / 3 boys / 2 girls
Several set changes

Perusals are sent via email at no charge
Production rights: Middle & High Schools $50/performance; all others $75/performance

This adaptation of Frankenstein, the greatest horror story ever written, is true to Mary Shelley’s novel, which has far more drama and tragedy than the Hollywood versions.
A twist in this script is the main characters are first introduced as children, presenting Victor as inquisitive and longing to help mankind even at an early age.
The Monster was not really a monster.
He was a being created by someone who, although of noble purpose, had no concept of the possible consequences of his work.
This play has been produced in community theatre and middle school and is well suited for university programs as well as professional companies
Opportunities for extras in the cast or for smaller companies to double some roles
To order a perusal from your mobile device, click on the email address below, state which play you would like & give your name, location, contact info, theater/school/production company. From deck top send to:
Holly Theater, Dahlonega, GA
Denver, PA Middle School