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In the Falling Dark
This is a heart warming story of rural Maine in the 1960s & 1970s with many of David Mallett's songs woven together to tell much of the tale. It also tells of the plight of small, family owned farms and the perils and challenge they faced - and continue to face.
There has been one workshop production of In the Falling Dark to date and you can view a video of it on YouTube - see the block on this page.
Rights will include the words & chords plus a CD of David performing each of the songs in the show. A piano score is optional.
Perusal scripts are provided via email at no charge. Rights are $75 per performance for middle & high schools and $100 for all others. Limited video permission will be included for non commercial use.
A musical in two acts
Story & book by Timothy Quigley
Music & lyrics by David Mallett
M 3, F 2, one girl age 6-8
guitar & bass as minimum
Can be modest set / few changes
To order a perusal from a mobile device, click on the email address below, state which play you would like & give your name, location, contact info, theater/school/production company. From a deck top send to:
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