Oh, Reilly!
A musical comedy in two acts
M 14 (several can double)
F 7 plus one girl age 8-12
Several set changes
A musical comedy that will make you laugh & cry and warm your heart
Irish and American Irish tunes including "Clancy Lowered the Boom" and "Wild Rover" help tell the story of James Reilly's exploits and love quadrangles in Belfast in the 1940s.
Shamus shows James the ropes and knots they do tangle!
James falls for a lovely Irish lass, while also becoming unwittingly involved with two other women, while having a fiance at home!
The accidental death of Maureen’s brother plus the grave illness of her younger sister, brings James and Maureen together
All ends well as the love quadrangle resolves.
Sets can be minimal to elaborate.
The production is suitable for a wide range of theatre from high school to professional and runs about 90 minutes
This has been produced in community theater
Perusals are sent via email at no charge
Production rights: Middle & High Schools $75/performance; all others $100/performance
The piano score is included with rights. Video permission is included.